Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Do I head back to New York like originally planned, try to make it in the big muggy city with a quickly dwindling bank account and no job? Or do I follow Painfully Hip's Amber to Tucson, AZ for vintage clothing awesomeness, blog city, and prickly pear cacti?
I then watched his performance in the Late Show green room while inexplicably holding a carton of half and half. (I’d also like to note my ongoing quest to find a good Temple-grade cup of coffee without resorting to Starbucks, which I have only been able to accomplish so far in Brooklyn.)
The thought of applying for Project Runway had crossed my mind in the past, but I never pursued it. I don’t even own a tv, and reality television in particular has always made me roll my eyes. But something, perhaps the gin, made me fill out the questionnaire and start the application process, and somehow about a month later I was on a plane to NY. I met some really amazing people while on the show, and I decided that the only way I could try to make a name for myself in “the fashion world” was to climb up the Empire State Building with my bare hands. My bear hands.
C+C followed the reality show “challenge” format. The contestants (there were originally 8 of us) were given a series of tasks to complete in a limited amount of time, and then we were judged on our execution of these tasks. On top of this, we were all living together and constantly surrounded by alcohol, courtesy of Alize, the commercial’s- I mean- the show’s sponsor.
So basically, I spent the majority of June drunk on a liqueur I had previously thought was pronounced “A-leez”.
It was definitely a great learning experience and I’m glad I did it, but it was exhausting. I got pretty ill near the end of the show, and all I really wanted was to get back to tomorrow-morrow land.
Friday, July 31, 2009

Sunday, July 26, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Monday, April 06, 2009
A little blip about my show in New York.
"Some of my favorite garments of the night were; 1.) A silver multi ruffle satin tube dress by Sapphire Cordial. Her line included dazzling feminine pieces, with subtle colors."
-Keisha Buggs
I'm more than aware that it ridiculous for something like this to make me all excited, but it totally does.
In other news, if you google Sapphire Cordial, it shows up on the little suggestions bar now. (Wooooo! 78, 300 results!)
But alas, if you google Jamaica Cole, the first three results are for Jamaican cole slaw.
No comment.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Monday, March 09, 2009
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
I feel weird posting these right after a bunch of Lacroix pics...but whatever. I just need to photoshoot the rest of this stuff. These pics don't do the colors justice, especially the rust charmeuse satin minidress. You should see that fabric in person. Also, it has these sweet little golden buttons on the shoulders that you can't see at all. More pics to come!!
Anyhow, to see what I missed I've been on all morning.
As always, I fucking love everything Christian Lacroix touches.
These two from Zac Posen are super inspiring:
I love the difference between the tight gloves and voluminous sleeves. So romantic!
And oh my god I love this!!! The floral is so luxe and the sillhouette of the whole look is divinnneee. It makes me want to be all matchy-matchy, which usually just makes me think of old ladies and little girls.
Its funny, I'm so fashion-focused, but I look like such a ragamuffin most of the time. I feel like I'm always on the verge of getting my life under control, but I never can cross that threshold.
I only dress the way I want to when I'm on vacation.
Who am I trying to impress in Sacramento?
But in a way, it makes way more sense to make an effort in my home town than to dress to impress people I'll probably never see again, right? I don't know.
Givenchy is a label I've never really taken an interest in, but I happened to come accross this magnificence:
It makes me want to take this whole Egyptian-archeology theme one step further and dress my girls like mummies....hmmmm there might be a little wrapping involved...
It's nice to be finally keeping track of the transformation of ideas in my head. I usually just write little "note-to-self"s on scraps of paper and lose them.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Mine would consist of pastel satins, flowing cooling cotton layers, mosquito netting and sweet silky cloche hats to keep the Sahara wind from blowing my curls all over the place.
But there is a wild card. I was recently romanced by the Golden Eagle Nomads photography series by John Delaney. A friend in New York introduced me to his work a couple of weeks ago, and the photos keep reappearing in my daydreams. I've always had a strange draw to the traditional costumes of Mongolia and Russia (though Russia might have to wait a season or two for me to tackle).
Just to clarify though, overall I'm thinking The English Patient. Not Indiana Jones.