
I should be able to roam the streets of Sacramento with a soundtrack in my heart. Well...there is one in my heart, I just cant actually hear it. And even if there is an amazing song stuck in my head, its usually just the chorus and I can't remember the rest.
If only I had and ipod, I would be listening to "Bluish" by Animal Collective and "I Love the Valley O" by Xui Xiu on repeat. Forever. They both make my heart swell and my breath catch.
I want to live inside an independent film with these on the soundtrack, along with some ambient vocals by my boyfriend Thom Yorke recorded especially for this purpose (Thom would totally do that for me, he's so thoughtful).
The film would have lots of long shots of me staring out windows.
I'd be dressed in multi-layered multi-textured neutrals. Kinda like this:
Specifically, I'd be staring out the windows of trains, second-story apartments (on windy days with trees outside), through caravan curtains, and portholes. There would be no plot.
Just glowing sounds and wide-eyed far away thoughts.
1 comment:
It's been said that fiction is just real life with background music--so maybe your lack of an iPod is what keeps you in reality? Anyway, I just wanted to leave a comment, as you and I are (apparently) the only two people on "Blogger" who share an interest in "Things That Look Like Other Things." Wanna start a club?
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