Monday, March 09, 2009


Its pretty hard to make time to be creative with two+ jobs. I haven't even had the energy to put thought into what I'm wearing since like...Valentine's Day. And I worked that night too, but the tips were good, maybe because I was wearing this:
Its amazing how much better I feel about my entire life if I try at all to not look like a complete slob. 
Ok, so the mini-dress is long sleeved and I think from the 70's, though it appears to have lost a few inches from the hem since then...I got it at Atelier (where you can buy Sapphire Cordial, if I haven't mentioned that..)

The hat is the Naik Fur one I'm alwayyyys wearing. The little Jessica McClintock-y (its not hers, actually) floral jacket underneath is one I've had forever and gotten endless "Did you make that"s ...and ruling over all is my roomate's amazing suede jacket (the fur collar is fake, incase you were wondering...I'm not sure why it matters though, since the jacket is suede and cows and leopards and rabbits and minks are all created equal.)

*Disclaimer: I didn't start this blog with the intention of chronicling the wearing of my own outfits which I didn't even make, but well....I guess I don't really have an explanation. 
I won't do it often. 
But once in a while, you just look in the mirror and get really excited about how you miraculously styled yourself. If you're still reading, you know what I'm talking about. 
There's an art to dressing, there really is.

Anyhow, I've been drawing a lot, which is nice. I was going to post a couple, but I haven't made it to a scanner yet, and cheap digital photos of pencil drawings don't really do them justice.
I'm dreaming up some awesome chiffon-hood-scarf-wrap creations. 
It shouldn't be long before I've got something to show for all these thoughts I'm thinking while at work.

PS: Despite how ridiculously busy I've been lately, I'm going to attempt to post more often.


heather said...

i love reading your blog and i totally know what you mean about the art of dressing...although i never quite pull it off like THIS!!! you look fabulous. as usual. i wish you lived closer and you could borrow my scanner because i really want to see your drawings.

The Solipsist said...

I have an outfit JUST LIKE THAT!!!

I don't get many tips when I wear it though.

Well, except for this "tip": Don't ever wear that again.

Unknown said...

you look awesome! i covet that dress so bad, i think you said you got in in the rummage room??! damn you.

And btw, i think I'd like to see MORE outfit posts from you.
